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LVA technology (layered voice analysis)

I. Personnel and candidates to work, reliability and integrity assessment

Apart from fraudulent and insolvent business partners, a company is also threatened by internal thefts and frauds by employees.

Our specialists with the help of special psychological methods and computer technologies will assess Your current employees and new candidates for personal and professional qualities necessary for certain job positions. This method is based on a layered voice analysis (LVA), developed in Israel and widely used in the European Union, USA, Canada and other countries for security purposes. Voice analysis is unique in that everything it requires is a human voice. Human speech mechanism is a complex mind-controlled process. The technology uses complex mathematical algorithms, processes what has been said and produces a so called emotional footprint of the brain: what emotional and psychological processes took place during a speaking which make it possible to decide whether a person was open or told lies. You can make measured decisions only if you have all verified information.

Automatic analysis tool LVA-i is used to analyse the following risk factors:

Employment module for a job candidate:
  • Confidentiality and secrecy;
  • Loyalty;
  • Use of alcohol;
  • Use of narcotic substances;
  • Theft from a workplace;
  • Reliability and withheld previous conviction;
  • Gambling games;
  • Bribery and “illegitimate rewards;
  • Fraud.

Periodic inspection module for a current employee:
  • Commitment to employment;
  • Team work;
  • Confidentiality and secrecy;
  • Theft from a workplace;
  • Bribery and “illegitimate rewards”;
  • Fairness and professional ethics;
  • Use of narcotic substances;
  • Use of alcohol;
  • Gambling games.

Assessment of risk factors through the LVA technology allows disclosing not only past offences or crimes but planned intentions to pursue an unlawful act in the future (based to analysed risk factors) as well.

The LVA technology in a business sector helps in the following cases:
  • Protection of business against internal thefts and frauds;
  • Efficient check of reliability of business partners and employees;
  • Check of reliability of information given to You;
  • Effective investigation of past incidents;
  • Negotiating contracts with suppliers and customers;
  • Minimisation of employees frauds;
  • Assessment of lending risk.

II. Service of conversation analysis

You attended an important interview or conducted an internal research but you don’t know whether you can trust the answers? Our specialists can analyse a conversation record and determine whether a speaker lied and which aspects of conversation should be investigated further. Any important questions, any speech, free-form ordinary conversation or interview can be analysed using the same risk factors as in the analysis tool LVA-i.

A tool for conversation analysis is LVA 6.50, which analyses how something was said instead of what was said. It is possible to determine a speaker’s emotional condition during speaking and separate out risk factors in important questions and false answers.

III. There are at least 30 differences between the LVA technology and a polygraph the main of which are outlined below:

  • LVA technology requires only a “live” voice or a record;
  • Even phone conversations can be analysed;
  • Investigation takes place in a “non-intimidating” environment in a free-form conversation;
  • A speaker answers easily, fully and doesn’t feel as in an “inquiry”;;
  • Neither respiratory rate, nor skin vital reaction, pulse or blood pressure are recorded – there is no physical contact with a speaker;
  • There are different stress types, and it is possible to determine whether a person is rational or more susceptible to emotions;
  • Investigation results can be seen immediately after the first conversation;
  • Additional questions can be asked or previous questions re-asked;
  • Polygraph technique reveals only past facts while LVA technology explores future intentions too.